Instagram grid mockup of 9 posts from K Health's account and a social post mockup about seasonal affective disorder

K Health

Social media

Creating a consistent, branded experience


The old K Health Instagram grid was a mismatched mix of branded content and off-brand Canva templates that relied on illustration over photography. As I worked on evolving the brand, I used social as a low stakes testing ground, turning the grid into one that’s highly branded and intentionally designed, with elements that overlap between posts, and making sure to prioritize photography and people.

Instagram profile for K Health before rebranding

Old grid

Instagram profile for K Health after rebranding

New grid

Single image posts

Instagram post listing the differences between poison ivy and heat rash
Instagram post with a statistic about treatment for Mental Health Awareness Month

Carousel posts

Title slide of an Instagram carousel post for National Caregivers Day talking about caregiver burnout
Second slide of an Instagram carousel post defining caregiver burden
Third slide of an Instagram carousel post listing the physical and psychological symptoms of caregiver burnout
Fourth slide of an Instagram carousel post with tips for balancing care for yourself and care for others
Title slide of an Instagram carousel post about combating seasonal affective disorder
Second slide of an Instagram carousel post with tips for combating seasonal affective disorder
Third slide of an Instagram carousel post with tips for combating seasonal affective disorder
Fourth slide of an Instagram carousel post with tips for combating seasonal affective disorder
Title slide of an Instagram carousel post with tips for spending time with family over the holidays
Third slide of an Instagram carousel post featuring a tip about mindfulness
Fourth slide of an Instagram carousel post featuring a tip about seeking joy
Sixth slide of an Instagram carousel post featuring a tip about planning to connect with people

4 selected slides of an 8 slide carousel


Instagram story directing people to an article about handling surprise medical bills
Instagram story directing people to an article with tips on staying hydrated during a heatwave
Instagram story with a quote from Nikeya Alfred, K's social media manager, promoting a Black History Month initiative